Tahoescape: Persistence of Light

Available Work, Current, Landscapes, Wilding Series
About This Project

This Lake Tahoe landscape is a view from the lake’s north shore, as cloud cover obscures all but a bright and brilliant sliver of light.  I’ve always been most fascinated by the ways that light interacts with different elements… whether in the environment or on a singular subject.  It matters what we look for and choose to see. Even when we are surrounded by cloud cover, that persistent shot of light illuminates and celebrates our own persistence in the face of changing circumstances, and the value of our attention. For me, it also represents remaining within the center, the hub, as opposed to the ever changing rim on the wheel of life…  celebrating those things that are the constant within the context of the fleeting, recognizing that change is always and control is an illusion, being well and whole regardless with simply what is… so as a favorite meditation teacher names it: choosing to embrace positive groundlessness.

Acrylic and spray paint on canvas, 36 x 48″

Original Available