Bear Family Mural: Martis Camp

Bear Family Murals - Martis Camp Truckee and Lake Tahoe fine artist wildlife painter nature painting custom mural mama bear Bear Family Mural: Martis Camp - Truckee and Lake Tahoe fine artist wildlife painter nature painting custom Bear Family Mural: Martis Camp - Truckee and Lake Tahoe fine artist wildlife painter nature painting custom Bear Family Mural: Martis Camp - Truckee and Lake Tahoe fine artist wildlife painter nature painting custom Bear Family Mural: Martis Camp - Truckee and Lake Tahoe fine artist wildlife painter nature painting custom Bear Family Mural: Martis Camp - Truckee and Lake Tahoe fine artist wildlife painter nature painting custom Bear Family Mural: Martis Camp - Truckee and Lake Tahoe fine artist wildlife painter nature painting custom
Murals & Installation Work
About This Project

This custom mural project was created in a newly built private home, and represents all of the members of the family as bears.  The cubs climb an aspen tree and Mama and Papa keep watch from either side.  I included other personal details, such as logs and boulders that are located throughout the property, and local plants and animals for the kids to look for whenever they visit.  When invited to visit the family after they moved in I found to my delight that the kids had already decided which cubs they each were.

The sepia toned linear painting style was specifically developed with this project to match well with the use of reclaimed wood and neutral tones throughout the residence, as well as to give a subtlety to the imagery that would “age” well, allowing the use of the room (currently used as a playroom just off the main room) to be more universal as the children mature… allowing it to become whatever they may need in future without need to ‘evolve’ the mural, and to coordinate well with the overall mountain modern design of the great room, from which it is quite visible.